Hello, my name is Anna Ambler. an allied professional support worker

I’m a band 4 therapy assistant supporting the physiotherapy profession in the community.

I originally started working as a band 3 therapy assistant across three teams in neurological occupational therapy, neurological physiotherapy and community physiotherapy. I found I preferred community physiotherapy, so when a full time band 4 role became available with the team I applied for the job.

On a typical day I’ll arrive at work at around 8:30am and call my patients to book them in. I check their notes to see what I have planned for the day. I make a list of where I’m going throughout the day and plan the best route to take. Sometimes I have joint visits with other physiotherapists or therapy assistants, so we’ll plan those visits around our patients and each other’s diaries.

I’ll then go collect any equipment I need from the equipment store and carry out my planned home visits, which will take me to the early afternoon. The high travel time between patients can be a challenge, but I enjoy seeing my patients. After this, I make my way back to my base to write up my notes for the day.

At the end of the day I check in with the other therapy assistants to make sure they are okay and that they have returned to their base safely.

The best thing about my role is meeting new people every day out in the community.

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May 30, 2024